Award winning landscape design, construction & maintenance, since 1970

Landscape Design Process
Before a consultation

Landscaping can be a complex series of decisions. Budgets, opinions and your current site conditions are a few of the many issues we need to address. We help people make these decisions all the time. If you break your project down into simple steps, it can be quite enjoyable to see your vision become reality.
Take a few moments to analyze your property, make some notes. What is it that you like about your home site? Are you having drainage problems? Do you need to screen or accent a view? What plants do you like or dislike? Understand the project before you begin and establish a budget. Not just your first phase, but what you may invest in your landscaping over a few years. You also need to take into consideration the overall value of your home and contrast that with what you plan to spend on landscaping.

Now that you have a plan or a proposal, you should review it carefully and assess whether it meets all your needs. Call any time with comments or questions, your plan is still a work in progress.
Determine what portions of the plan give you the best value for your predetermined budget. Call us with your first phase ideas.
A contract will be written based on your direction for Phase I. This contract is sent in duplicate. One copy is to be signed and returned to us accompanied with a 30% deposit. Upon receipt your project will be scheduled.
Proposal or plan

Have you decided to move ahead with a complimentary proposal or with a landscape plan? At the time of your initial consultation we will be happy to prepare a proposal for you. It usually takes about a week. A plan is a more methodical process, involving more time (from two weeks up-to a month or more), as well as an additional investment of a $50 per hour fee with a minimum of 5 hours. This includes multiple drafted, scaled, blue-printed copies, estimates and a revision to the plan at your request. The design fee is based on the complexity of the project, not upon your budget.

Scheduling landscape contracting can be very challenging. The weather in our region dictates what we do on a daily basis. We purchase equipment based on its ability to perform in inclement weather. Please understand that weather related delays are beyond our control. We will do our best to honor agreed upon time frames.
The scope and the complexity of your project will weigh heavily on scheduling. The average project will begin approximately 3-weeks after receipt of your signed contract and deposit.